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Lancelot In Chretien's
early romance The Knight of the Cart, Lancelot
travels to the land of Gorre, which is ruled over by
Bademagu of Bade, whose son is named Meleagant. Scholars
have for some time been seeking a historical
identification for Lancelot and have sought various
identifications for Gorre (e.g. Gower, the Island of Man,
Gowrie, Glastonbury). Yet most have realized that the
Meleagant story is but a poetic elaboration of the early
Melwas-Glastonbury story first recorded c.1130 by the
Welsh monk Caradoc of Llancarfan. When
Guinevere is kidnapped by Meleagant and taken to Gorre,
Gawain and Lancelot (the latter travelling incognito)
leave Camelot and pursue the evil knight. In order to
reach Gorre, Lancelot must make it through the Stone
Passage and cross over the deadly Sword Bridge (pont
espee). Gawain, taking another way into Gorre, must cross
the Water Bridge (pont evage). Since we
know Camelot in Chretien is Campus Elleti near Caerleon (see
Who was Arthur? above) and Meleagant as
Melwas in Caradoc's tale is from Somerset, we must assume
Lancelot is travelling southeast. Gorre, as was proposed
long ago, is probably a Cymracized form of Voire (cf.
modern French verre, "glass"). As such, it is a
designation for Glastonbury, the Glass-town. The fact
that the capital of Gorre is said to be Bath and
Meleagant's father is called Bademagus (possibly a
reflection of Gildass Badonici montis or Mount
Badon, which from Geoffrey of Monmouths time on was
identified with Bath) tells us that Chretien was aware
that at his time Glastonbury was at the center of a
Somerset which included the city of Bath. The modern
county of Avon was made out of that part of Somerset
which stretched north of the Mendips and from the
southern part of Gloucestershire. So while Gorre is
Glastonbury, the kingdom of Gorre is Somerset, the Summer
Land of Melwas/Meleagant. So where
are the Stone Passage and the two bridges? I suspect the
Stone Passage is a reference to Cheddar Gorge, the
spectacular limestone ravine that cuts through the Mendip
Hills. The Sword Bridge is probably Axbridge on the Axe,
on the south side of the Mendips. While the name Axe
actually stems from an ancient Isca, the later spelling
may have suggested ax or axe from ME, fr. OE aex, aecus,
acus; akin to OHG ackus, acchus, "ax", ON ox,
etc., and perhaps to OE ecg, "edge, sword".
Edge is from ME egge, fr. OE ecg; akin to OS eggia,
"edge of a blade, edge", OHG ecka, L. acies,
"sharp edge, sharpness". The Water Bridge is
certainly Bridgwater on the Parrett. And just
who is Lancelot of the Lake? The clue
lies in his presence at Gorre/Glastonbury/Caer Wydr/Glass
Fort. In the early Arthurian poem The
Spoils of Annwm, Arthur is accompanied to the
Otherworld on a quest for a magical cauldron by a
personage called Lluch Lleawc (or, as some translators
would have it, lluch, bright, shining, is an
adjective meant to be applied the the sword brandished by
Lleawc). In the same poem, this Lluch Lleawc (or
simply Lleawc) is provided with an epithet, Lleminawc.
Some have interpreted this epithet as meaning the
Leaping One (from W. llam, leap), but
most prefer to see it as a slight corruption of an
epithet belonging to the Irish god Lugh, whose name is
found in Welsh sources as Llwch or Lloch (a word also
meaning loch, i.e. lake) Llawwynnawc (variants
Llawwynnyawc, Llauynnauc), i.e. Llwch Windy-Hand or
Striking-Hand. In Irish tradition, Lugh had
epithets such as Lonnbemnech, of the fierce
blows, and Lamhfota, of the long hand.
The Irish Lugh had his counterpart in Welsh tradition, i.e.
Lleu Llaw Gyffes, Lleu Skillful-hand. Linguistically
speaking, the mh in Irish lamh, hand, is
replaced in Welsh llaw by a w. W can regularly
become u, and u can regularly become n. W and m are
also, in certain contexts, interchangeable. The same
Lugh/Llwch appears elsewhere in Welsh tradition as
Llenlleog Gwyddel, Llenlleog the Irishman. In the
story Culhwch and Olwen, it is Llenlleog who
brandishes the sword in the cauldron story, rather than
Lluch Lleawc (or Lleawc), who is called called Lleminawc. Which leads
us to our next question: if Lancelot du Lac is Lugh
Lancelot, with Lancelot being an epithet,
what is Lancelot from? We may
begin with Llwch Llawwynnauc, which is probably a Welsh
substitute for the Irish Lugh Lonnbemnech. This
became Lluch or Lleawc Lleminauc in The Spoils of
Annwm. And Lluch/Lleawc Lleminauc became Culhwch
and Olwens Llenlleawc the Irishman.
These are all natural developments from each other.
The ll- of Llenlleawc is due to a simple MS.
copying mistake, as the letter n can resemble double l. We may
begin with Llwch Llawwynnauc, which is probably a Welsh
substitute for the Irish Lugh Lonnbemnech. This
became Lluch or Lleawc Lleminauc in The Spoils of Annwm.
And Lleminauc became Culhwch and Olwens
Llenlleawc the Irishman. Hibernus,
of course, means Irishman or from
Ireland. We can be relatively confident,
therefore, that Lucuis Hiberus is actually Llwch Hibernus
or the god Lugh of Ireland. Being able
to identify Lancelot of the Lake with Lucius Hibernus/Lugh
of Ireland allows us to account for an odd parallel that
exists in Geoffreys story of the end of
Arthurs kingdom and in that version of the same
story which is found in the French romances. In the
first, Arthur is battling Lucius/Lugh in Gaul when
Medrawt/Modred/Mordred rebells in Britain and takes over
his queen and his kingdom. Arthur returns to battle
Medrawt and perish at Camblann (Camlann). In the
French sources, Lancelot of the Lake takes Guinevere with
him to Gaul. Arthur pursues Lancelot and lays siege
to the latters castle. It is while the siege
is in progress that word comes to Arthur of Modreds
betrayal and he must return to Britain for the fatal
battle. Thus, not
only the names, but the story motifs featuring Lucius
Hibernus/Lugh of Ireland and Lancelot of the Lake, match.
The only reasonable conclusion is that Lucius and Lugh
are one and the same mythical character. Guinevere And who is
Guinevere, really? Her name first appears as Guennuvar in
Caradoc of Llancarfan's LIFE OF ST. GILDAS (c. 1130), a
work finished only a few years prior to that of Geoffrey
of Monmouth's HISTORY (c. 1136). Geoffrey calls her
Guanhumara. The Welsh form of her name is Gwenhwyfar (possibly
"White Spectre"). She has
usually been associated with the Irish sovereignty
goddess Findabair. I think this is correct, since Arthur
conquers Ireland immediately after marrying Guanhumara.
In other words, a king must marry the Goddess of
Sovereignty of Ireland before he can rule over the
country. Triad 56 of
the Trioedd Ynys Prydein ("The Triads of the Island
of Britain") lists the names and patronymics of the
"Three Great Queens" of Arthur's court. To
quote this triad in full: Three Great Queens of Arthur's Court: Gwennhwyfar daughter of Cywryd Gwent, And Gwenhwyfar daughter of Gwythyr son of
Greidawl, And Gwenhwyfar daughter of (G)ogfran the
Giant. [Trans. By Rachel Bromwich] There has
been some slight discussion of these three "great
queens" as a fairly typical Celtic example of a
triple goddess, i.e. a goddess split into three aspects.
I have elsewhere argued for the Welsh Gwenhwyfar, the
later Guinevere of romance, being a form of the Irish
sovereignty goddess Finnabhair. None of the fathers
listed in the Welsh triad, however, match the name of the
known father of the Irish Finnabhair, viz. Aillil. Aillil,
like Welsh ellyll, means a fairy or sprite. The
corresponding English word is, of course, elf (fr. OE
aelf, akin to MHG alp, L. albus, "white"). I will
treat briefly of each of the three Guineveres separately.
What follows is a tentative identification of the great
queens of Arthur's court. 1) Gwenhwyfar
daughter if Cywryd Given that
n and u were often confused by copyists, and u can become
w in certain instance, Cywryd is pretty transparently
Cenred, King of Wessex. He had a daughter named Cwenburh,
whose name was associated by the Welsh with the name
Gwenhwyfar. 2) Gwenhwyfar
daughter of Gwythyr Gwythyr is
generally considered a translation of the Roman name
"Victor". However, we have seen there is some
reason for rendering Gwythyr as Veteres/Vitires (the
"Old One"), a god found in northern Britain.
Two altars dedicated to Veteres were found (see the RIB)
at Ebchester, the Romano-British period Vindomora. It is
quite possible that at an early date the placename
Vindomora was wrongly linked with the personal name
Gwenhwyfar (cf. the later Latinized forms of Geoffrey of
Monmouth - Guenhuuara, Guanhumara). The placename AS
Gwenhwyfar was then linked to the god Veteres/Gwythyr,
who was worshipped at Vindomora. 3) Gwenhwyfar
daughter of Gogfran (or Ogyrfan, Ogfran) This is the
most important of the three Guineveres, as she is the
actual wife of King Arthur in early Welsh tradition. A
diligent search of British records failed to find any
trace of a historical or divine personage upon which this
Gwenhwyfar was based. An examination of the Irish sources,
however, was more revealing. From the
Rawlinson genealogies: Also, Find
the Poet sang of the sons of Alb son of Augen the Servant: It would
seem obvious, then, that Gwenhwyfar daughter of Gogfran =
Findabhair mother of Gabruan. I have not been able to
find a reliable etymology for the name Alb, but if at
some point this name had been associated with the English
word for elf, there may well have been a perceived
connection between this Findabhair and Finnabhair
daughter of Aillil (sprite, elf). Lancelot and Guinevere is Copyright © 2005, August Hunt. All rights reserved. Used with permission. Comments to: August Hunt |
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